We’re ISO happy! Because we’re ISO27001 certified.

ISO…ISO happy! See what we did there? Cough. Composure.

Being ISO27001 certified is something we saw as critical to help our customers have peace of mind when dealing with us. So we were delighted to gain the accreditation. And we’re equally as proud to maintain the accreditation.

KNP ISO27001

But what is it? What’s the big deal?

Well, ISO27001 is the leading international standard for information security.

Most businesses tend to have a number of information security controls in place. But without an overarching Information Security Management System (ISMS), those controls tend to be somewhat disjointed. This is often due to the controls having been implemented over time as specific solutions to specific situations. On top of this, other aspects that contribute towards the protection of information, such as physical security, are usually managed separately of IT or information security. Similarly, Human Resources processes may not clearly define or assign information security roles and responsibilities.

As a result, gaps exist. ISO27001 was therefore developed to help businesses bring everything together. It provides the necessary know-how to protect the information a business holds, in a systematic and cost-effective way. Through the adoption of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). It’s fundamental objective is to protect three aspects of information:

  • Confidentiality: only authorised persons have the right to access information
  • Integrity: only authorised persons can utilise the information
  • Availability: the information must be accessible to authorised persons whenever needed.

Why is being ISO27001 certified important?

ISO27001 is an independent, expert assessment of how we manage information security. Being certified is important to us, because it’s critical for you. Being certified demonstrates that we’ve invested in our people, our processes and our technology (the tools and systems we employ) to protect the data we come into contact with. It’s about trust and delivering peace of mind.

It gives you, and all our customers, absolute confidence that KNP safely and securely protect the data & information we handle on your behalf, to internationally recognised standards. You can work with us on your direct mail, door drop or hybrid mail campaigns and projects safe in the knowledge your data is being managed confidentially and securely.

This again gives you peace of mind as everything we’re doing with data is done so in a secure and safe manner.

KNP has controlled access to over 29 million household records which fully adhere to GDPR regulations. As no doubt you know, the General Data Protection Regulation, is a European Union regulation protecting the privacy and personal data of individuals within the EU and the European Economic Area. It applies to any organisation that collects or processes personal data of EU citizens, regardless of where the organisation is based.  And it gives individuals more control over their personal data as it requires organisations to obtain explicit consent for data processing, provides transparent information about data practices, and implements measures to ensure data security.

ISO much more

KNP | ISO 9001 quality assurance certification    KNP | ISO 14001 environmental assurance certification

ISO27001 now sits alongside our other ISO accreditations. We’re already ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified. ISO9001 covers our quality management and ISO14001 covers our environmental management systems.

Security, quality and sustainability are going to become more and more critical, as businesses actively look to work with partners they can trust, and who conduct themselves in the right way. Having management systems and processes in place will help us build strong relationships that deliver for our clients. And they can help us deliver for you.