Where have our ‘Thank you’ pics been used
We’re over the moon lots of you have been downloading our free thank you posters and showing your support for the NHS, care workers and all the other key workers who, right now, are at the forefront of fighting coronavirus and keeping this country running.
And it’s fantastic that many of you have taken the time to send us in your wonderful works of art. So we’re delighted that we can share them here.
As long as you keep sending in your thank you posters, we’ll keep adding them to the gallery. If you already know one of the KNP team, send your pics to them, or you can send them to hello@knp.email.
Why not also follow us on social and post your pics there. See the links at the bottom of this page.
Stay safe, stay home and together we’ll get through this.
For the latest guidance on Covid-19 visit www.nhs.uk.