ISO27001 certified reasons to work with us.

By |2024-05-09T13:40:07+00:00March 24th, 2021|Business, Client relationships, Data, Information Security, News|

We’re ISO happy! Because we're ISO27001 certified. ISO...ISO happy! See what we did there? Cough. Composure. Being ISO27001 certified is something we saw as critical to help our customers have peace of mind when dealing with us. So we were delighted to gain the accreditation. And we're equally as proud to maintain the accreditation. But what is it? What’s the big

KNP Ambassador role created

By |2021-03-17T13:44:32+00:00March 17th, 2021|Client relationships, Customers, KNP team, News, People, Relationships, Trust|

We’re chuffed to bits to share with everyone that Tony Humblestone is moving into a newly created role as KNP Ambassador. Having an ambassador who spends all their time with our clients to build stronger relationships by making sure they’re getting what they need from us, share with them how we’re constantly moving forward, and find out how we can

Meet the Team: Mandy Gibbons, Head of Accounts

By |2021-03-08T15:36:17+00:00March 8th, 2021|KNP team, News, People, Relationships|

Today is International Women's Day. And through our Meet the Team series we want to highlight Head of Accounts, Mandy Gibbons. For over 6 years Mandy's been the steadying hand that's provided confidence and clarity to the business, making sure financial stability is a given. Furlough has impacted on Mandy's presence over the last 12 months but she's an integral

Door Drops – Are You Planning For Life After Lockdown

By |2021-03-02T14:59:09+00:00March 2nd, 2021|Direct Mail, Door drops, Marketing, Print, Targeting|

Door Drops - are you planning for life after lockdown. That's the question right now. With the vaccine programme fuelling positivity and Boris announcing the roadmap out of lockdown, we’re already seeing an upturn in clients planning for their return. Whilst there’s no guarantee lockdown will be lifted as set out last Monday, Feb 22, non-essential retail and hospitality businesses

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