Doing it right, getting it right

Want to know a little bit about KNP? OK, here goes. We’re a family run business, and for over 30 years we’ve poured our passion and commitment into helping our clients reach their target audiences through the right integrated print and mailing solutions.

We know you need a print partner you can trust, so we deliver what we say we will, when we say we will, and how we say we will. That approach, and treating our clients in a friendly and respectful way (how we’d like to be treated), has been the driving force behind us building a reputation for quality, reliability and long-term relationships.

But it’s not just about good ethical values, honesty and a desire to be our very best. We use the very latest kit, tools and resources to make sure we deliver excellence for our customers. To constantly re-enforce a customer centric approach and instil client confidence, we’re both ISO9001 & ISO27001 certified.

ISO9001 is a quality management system that governs our quality control and process. Every member of the team is trained to continually quality control our output, and the ISO9001 standard gives us the ability to measure our efficiency and improve performance.

KNP | ISO 9001 quality assurance certification

ISO27001 certifies that our people, processes and systems protect the security of the data & information we handle on your behalf to the highest possible standards. Giving you absolute confidence over the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your data.

KNP ISO27001

Welcome to more.

A KNP team member meticulously inspects a piece of print.


People who care about what they do, do it well. We know the physical quality of printed materials enhances your message and influences decision making. And we love that! So we care about delivering the best possible results, taking great pride in getting something ‘just right’. Now that really fires us up!

A magnifying lens over a printed leaflet.


We work hard to deliver the best possible service. Meticulous planning, exacting standards, and being prepared to go the extra mile to see a job through all add up to us delivering an experience that exceeds expectations. Getting it right matters to you and it matters just as much to us, down to the very last detail.

Three KNP team members in a meeting. The KNP logo is displayed on three mugs and on the wall in the background.

An ethical approach

How we behave says so much about who we are. We believe there’s a right way of doing things that governs our conduct and sets our standards. Our customers should have a positive experience every time they work with us, so we ‘invite you in’. We’re a friendly voice doing things in an honest, straightforward and transparent way to create an enjoyable relationship that delivers high quality work.

Meet some of the Team

Have a read below and find out a little bit more about just some of the people who all play a part in ensuring your brand is presented as well as it can be, and your message is told as clearly as possible.

Dave Gibbons
Dave GibbonsManaging Director
I’m full of passion and drive to do everything I do as well as it can be done. And KNP has always been about striving to deliver the best experience for my customers and also my staff, every day, every minute. I still love print after all these years!
Steve Omer
Steve OmerGeneral Manager
With so much work going through litho, digital, large format, and fulfilment each and every day, we need to operate as efficiently as possible. And that’s down to me. I make sure everything runs seamlessly and that we’re always creating the right solutions for our clients.
Charlie Gibbons
Charlie GibbonsOperations Director
We’re a family owned business and KNP is in my blood. Since I can remember I’ve loved how we always deliver the right solution to meet our clients needs. And now I’m helping ensure we continue to offer excellence and quality well into the future.

Telephone: 07730 144822

Graham Taylor
Graham TaylorDirector of Sales
Problem solving and finding solutions that take print jobs to the next level, that gets me excited. Because I know if I do that, I help cement long lasting relationships with our clients. Whatever it takes, I get a buzz from helping customers achieve their desired results.

Telephone: 07956 639703

Andy McKenzie
Andy McKenziePrint Projects Manager
I’ve just always been around print. I love it. You can really help businesses create exciting or impactful or to the point messages that their audience engage with. Whatever they’re looking for, there’s so much scope to create the right solution, and seeing results is hugely satisfying.

Telephone: 07903 539798

Neil Stones
Neil StonesBusiness Development
38 years in print makes me a stalwart. I’ve seen a lot of change, yet it never ceases to amaze me how constantly innovative our industry is. And I’m focused 100% on making sure my clients take advantage of that innovation. Because what I enjoy most is bringing ideas to life on paper.

Telephone: 07415 755228

Stephen Savidge
Stephen SavidgeSenior Account Manager
Alongside General Manager Steve Omer, you’ll find me devising cunning and inventive solutions that deliver success for our customers. I’m a print lifer through and through from a family of printers and I’d like to think that my years of knowledge will help you get the right print solution each and every time.

Telephone: 01284 715296

Mark Aris
Mark ArisIT Manager
I’ve got 30+ years’ experience delivering technology focused solutions within print and communications. Add a forensic knowledge of data security and a track record implementing automated workflows that drive greater efficiency, and my role enables us to offer a comprehensive service across print and data.

Telephone: 07920 212653

Frank Philand
Frank PhilandSenior Sales Manager
If you ask me, I’d say my key skills are in utilising my extensive knowledge of print after spending more than forty years in the print and DM industry. I’m committed to supporting our clients with their print campaigns by making them creative and impactful, whilst also ensuring they’re cost efficient and innovative solutions.

Telephone: 07860 688366

Jana Kovacsova
Jana KovacsovaCreative Designer
I deliver creative and graphic design for our clients. Starting out as a Graphic Designer I went on to gain experience in Large Format Print production and I’ve since expanded my knowledge further in digital print. I’m now responsible for not just design but file prep and nailing our Imperium DAM portal.
Egle Burinskaite
Egle BurinskaiteCustomer Services
Give me lots of things to sort out! At KNP I’m here to make sure everything runs smoothly so our customers get the perfect job on time. I manage deliveries and supplier relationships, handle all customer calls and correspondence and attend to our visitors on-site.
Adam Cutbush
Adam CutbushWarehouse Manager
Vans, planes and automobiles – that’s me! Once a job is finished and ready to leave, that’s not the end of it. Deadlines are crucial to our customer’s plans. They still need their job delivering, and in perfect condition, so it’s important I get things delivered no matter what.

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    KNP | ISO 9001 quality assurance certification
    KNP | ISO 14001 environmental assurance certification
    KNP ISO27001
    BPIF Member Logo
    KNP | Ecologi logo
    KNP | Carbon Quota logo
    KNP | EN Supplier Awards 2024 winner
    KNP | Digital Printer Awards 2024 winner Marketing Collateral
    KNP | Love Paper Logo Green
    KNP | SME News Awards 2023 Most ethical printing & mailing company
    KNP | Crown Commercial Service Supplier