Online vs traditional printing

By |2025-02-04T12:10:10+00:00November 9th, 2023|Business, Client relationships, Customers, Print|

Key Considerations: Choosing Between Online and Traditional Printing Services Online vs traditional printing. What are the benefits and is one better than the other? It's something being asked more and more. Just to be clear, we don't mean digital printing vs traditional litho printing. We're talking about getting your job done with a printer you speak to. Or doing the

KNP acquire Ipswich-based Fuller Davies out of administration

By |2025-02-04T13:30:44+00:00July 19th, 2023|Business, Client relationships, Community, Customers, Local community, News, Print|

KNP Acquires Fuller Davies, Strengthening Commitment to East Anglia We’ve got some more news for you about more exciting things taking shape at KNP. Technology moves at such pace these days. Business needs continue to evolve. And we know we can’t stand still. Because if we do, customers new or old won’t receive the best possible products and services. To

9 ways Digital Asset Management benefits your business

By |2025-02-04T13:43:36+00:00November 30th, 2022|Asset Management, brand, Business, Client relationships, Customers, Data, Digital, Marketing, Targeting|

How can Digital Asset Management help your business? Your brand is your competitive advantage. And quality on-brand content, when effectively and dynamically distributed, is a powerful differentiator for every business. It can help organisations perform efficiently or resonate with their customers and targets. It can also build a strong identity that improves perception, and ultimately drive revenue growth. However, today's

New KNP Office in Midlands. Notts too bad at all!

By |2025-02-04T14:01:25+00:00August 16th, 2022|Business, Customers, Digital print, KNP team, News, People, Print|

KNP Expands with New Office in Nottingham We’re in! We’ve just moved in to our new KNP office in the Midlands, Nottingham to be precise. And I must say, it’s looking pretty damn good to be honest. Located in Commerce Square in The Lace Market, the place is pretty cool, contemporary, and in a trendy part of the city. Where

New KNP Director of Sales

By |2025-02-04T14:00:10+00:00July 11th, 2022|Client relationships, Customers, growth, KNP team, Leadership, New, News, People, Print, Relationships|

Graham Taylor Joins KNP as Director of Sales We’re delighted to share some news with you today about a fresh appointment - a new KNP Director of Sales. It’s a significant change that sets us up to help all our customers receive an even better service. And it’s something that’ll open up further opportunities for growth. What's more, it’s really

Crown Commercial Service Supplier

By |2025-01-20T16:26:53+00:00August 10th, 2021|Business, Client relationships, Customers, News, Print, Relationships|

We’ve got an announcement we’re very, very happy about. In fact, we feel like kings. It involves a Crown Commercial Service Supplier agreement but first, let’s briefly talk about trust. Trust is vital to any relationship It’s a biggie isn’t it, trust. If not the one thing you want from your relationships (whether that’s at work or outside of work),

Dave Gibbons Q&A

By |2025-01-20T16:30:24+00:00July 27th, 2021|Business, Client relationships, Community, Connected Print, Customers, Environment, Environmental impact, KNP team, Leadership, News, People, Print, Sustainable print, Sustainable print solutions|

Dave Gibbons Q&A Thanks for sitting down with us Dave. Appreciate you making the time for a quick chat as I know you're busy and it's quite hectic now the economy is as open as it has been for nearly two years. First off, just to ease you in, we’ll start with an easy one. Q: How long has KNP

KNP Ambassador role created

By |2021-03-17T13:44:32+00:00March 17th, 2021|Client relationships, Customers, KNP team, News, People, Relationships, Trust|

We’re chuffed to bits to share with everyone that Tony Humblestone is moving into a newly created role as KNP Ambassador. Having an ambassador who spends all their time with our clients to build stronger relationships by making sure they’re getting what they need from us, share with them how we’re constantly moving forward, and find out how we can

Poll: What do you want from your suppliers in 2021?

By |2021-02-19T12:02:06+00:00February 19th, 2021|Business, Client relationships, Customers, Delivery, growth|

At the end of January, a couple of weeks into the third national lockdown, we conducted a poll asking one question: What do you want from your suppliers in 2021? The upheaval and change companies have faced due to Covid19 has had a profound impact on how businesses operate, inc. supplier relationships. It’s forced businesses of all sizes across huge

Customer acquisition – why direct mail delivers.

By |2020-11-13T15:06:04+00:00November 13th, 2020|Customers, Direct Mail, Marketing, Personalisation, Targeting|

One of the main challenges facing businesses today is being heard amidst the vast array of marketing messages. Your customers are exposed to literally thousands every single day, making it hard to get your message through. And that challenge is exacerbated in difficult times, such as those we’re all facing now. If you’ve got a couple of minutes, read on

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